Who am I?
A son of God, first and foremost. I am a learner of God’s grace, wisdom, knowledge, truth, and mercy. I study the Bible consistently and seek to learn and grow, not just for myself, but also so I can teach and disciple.
Why am I here?
I am here to teach and pass along the wisdom, knowledge, and truth I have gained from my study of the Word. I am a teacher and disciple in my local church, but I also have a call to reach out and communicate what I know. As a gifted writer, I find blogging to, currently, be the most efficient way to do that.
What’s my goal?
I aim to, by my writing, assist even just one person in walking closer with God, in growing in wisdom, knowledge, and truth.
Why fathoms of the word?
I named this blog “Fathoms of the Word” because of an interesting nuance about the origin of the word “fathom.” A fathom isn’t actually that big of a measurement, only 6 feet in depth. Yet we use it now most commonly in association with a much greater depth. I want this blog to be something that explores not only the deepest things but also the things at the surface that we sometimes miss when we seek to scuba dive under the water. The good Christian life applies equally the shallow practicalities and the deep theologies of Scripture. A good believer knows when to pray for assistance and when to give for assistance. A wise believer is just as good at walking with God each day in the simple things as he/she is at explaining the depths of the various eschatological beliefs. I want to assist in making Christ’s Church effective, good believers.