Professional Portfolio - Nathaniel Evans
This page contains a number of stories, papers, or other works I’ve either written or edited. I believe that each of these displays my skill with writing, editing, and the English language, either in full or a single aspect. Feel free to peruse each of these if you would like an example of my abilities. The works are categorized by their function/genre in a broad sense. Only the works in the “News Articles” category have been published in any official capacity.
To download a Word document containing a number of Technical Writing samples, click the button below. I kept these in a Word file to ensure the formatting looks as it did for the published forms of these samples. All of the information within this document has been edited to ensure company information is protected.
Holy Spirit, Help
A work of poetry published in The Way Back to Ourselves, an online Christian literary journal. This poem was published in the Spring Collection: Revival and is my very first independently published work. It explores the depths of my own failures as a human suffering under sin and desiring to be more like Christ.
Nature’s Control
A literary fiction style short story that focuses on a teenager balancing a family that is visibly less than ideal. The story title and theme are a play on Mother Nature.
The Rhetoric of News: Is Persuasion Too Much?
I wrote this paper to present at an annual undergraduate conference at Western Carolina University, which focused on “The Rhetoric(s) of Identity.” I researched and discussed the benefits and consequences of today’s journalism and journalistic integrity, as well as the necessity of reading and engaging with the news with a skeptical eye online.
Culinary students get a taste of competition cooking
Written during my time as an intern at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, this article details the experiences of a number of students in a new class on campus for the Spring 2020 semester. It was featured in both the Caldwell Chronicle, CCC&TI’s on-campus, monthly production to reach out to the community about the goings on of the college, and News Topic News, Lenoir’s local newspaper.
The River
This began as a project short story for a creative writing class in college. Since then, I have begun the process of morphing it into a novel because it has the potential of being a strong story.
Falling literacy rates: Why they are falling and how they can be raised
I wrote this white paper for my Introduction to the English Major course in the Spring of 2017. I think it also presents a solid basis to understand where I began in my more professional writing, but I think it’s also written well and presents itself as such. In it, I detailed the struggling literacy rates for American students and what could be done to fix the problem—this is a subject I’m incredibly passionate about as an avid reader.
カルチャーショック (Culture shock)
This is less news and more magazine article, but it still falls, barely, under the purview of journalism. That being said, it is an old article—written during my freshman year at Western Carolina University for publication in the Honors College magazine: Imagine. It is undoubtedly not my best work, but it showcases variety and is a good starting point to display how my skills have advanced since Fall 2016.
Up In the air - integrity
This is the first of, what I hope to be, a number of short stories that will combine into a collection focusing on aspects of the human condition in regards to morality. It’s essentially going to be a conglomeration of “what would the average person do if put in a position where there were, seemingly, no consequences.” It’s been done before, but I’m hoping this is new.